Who to Contact

Clubhouse : 6272 9445 --- 30 Bowden Street, Glenorchy, Tasmania, 7011
Email:  germanclubtas@outlook.com
Follow us on Facebook


Booking of Function Rooms / Kitchen hire, by our members, can also be made at the email address.


Club Opening Hours

The bar is open on Thursday between 3pm and 6pm
Bar Snacks are served around 4pm
Drop in with a friend or on your own, have a drink, a snack and a chat
The atmosphere is warm and welcoming

The bar is also open on the first Sunday of each month between 12 & 2pm when we hold our Schnitzelessen - check the newsletter page for upcoming events and cost

New members are most welcome, membership is $25 per year and due, for each financial year, by July (payment in May or June is appreciated)